Guaranteed: Best attic Insulation plus a 100% Rebate possibility
Do you need the perfect solution to anything relating to attic insulation in Mississauga? Canada Energy Solution got you covered. We take on both residential and commercial attic insulation in Mississauga. With over a decade of professional experience, we are your best bet.
Where do I get the best Attic insulation contractors in Mississauga?
For attic insulation in Mississauga, Canada Energy Solution is the best. We have experienced professionals in all fields relating to attic and basement insulation. Our attic insulation professionals in Mississauga have worked for more than a decade. They are well versed in handling attic insulation in both residential and commercial buildings.
Attic insulation is a very sensitive project that needs more than just an engineer. To get the best attic insulation, you need a detailed, practical, and resourceful contractor. For attic insulation in Mississauga, the task is more demanding, because of the unique weather we experience in Mississauga.
At Canada Energy Solution, our engineers are the best at understanding home types, energy evaluations, and climate change. We provide energy-efficient attic insulation solutions for both old and new structures in Mississauga.

Canada Energy Solution - Ontario’s top trusted heating and cooling specialist for over 20 years
Talk to our specialists to learn more about the rebates and promotions in your area at
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Attic Insulation Rebate Program
Big Saving for Attic Insulation
Available for a Limited Time.
Rebate up to
Receive a rebate up to 100% of insulation for your Attic, basement and Garage Ceiling
Rebate up to
Receive a rebate up to 100% of insulation for your attic up to $2,350
Canada Energy Solution
Guaranteed to receive the Ontario rebate program
Our Community Contributions
What do I need to Know about Attic Insulation Rebates in Mississauga?
5For attic insulation in Mississauga, Canada Energy Solution is the best. We have experienced professionals in all fields relating to attic and basement insulation. Our attic insulation professionals in Mississauga have worked for more than a decade. They are well versed in handling attic insulation in both residential and commercial buildings.
Attic insulation is a very sensitive project that needs more than just an engineer. To get the best attic insulation, you need a detailed, practical, and resourceful contractor. For attic insulation in Mississauga, the task is more demanding, because of the unique weather we experience in Mississauga.
At Canada Energy Solution, our engineers are the best at understanding home types, energy evaluations, and climate change. We provide energy-efficient attic insulation solutions for both old and new structures in Mississauga.
What do I need to Know about Attic Insulation Rebates in Mississauga?
Provisions for Attic insulation rebates in Mississauga in 2025
Do you know homeowners can enjoy as much as 100% cost cover for attic insulation projects in Mississauga?
As a city in Ontario, property owners in Mississauga are eligible to apply and receive a 100% cost cover for attic insulation improvement. Yes, that's a fact, and the Ontario Home Energy Rebates cover this and more!
Who is eligible for an attic insulation rebate?
How do I get eligible for an attic insulation rebate, or who is eligible for an attic insulation rebate? These are questions frequently asked by most homeowners. The answer is relatively simple and straight to the point. Taking every measure to cut down on the energy consumed by your home, property, or facility makes you eligible for an attic insulation rebate.
Pay attention to the following to further enhance your eligibility opportunities or improve the incentives you get:
- Rebuild or refurbish your existing attic insulation. This must align with the approved building code standards of Mississauga.
- Use weather-stripping, air sealing, or any other recommended approach to enhance airtightness in your home.
- Maximum utilization of foam insulation.
- Carry out insulation for your external walls and basement.
What Rebate programs are available?
The Home Efficiency Rebate
The Home Efficiency Rebate Program is one of Ontario's outstanding rebate programs.
Under it, homeowners are eligible to receive home renovation rebates amounting to 5,000.00 CAD.
The Green Ontario Fund (Suspended in 2018)
The Green Ontario fund was phased out in 2018. Popularly known as the "GreenON," the rebates once amounted to 7,200.00 CAD for each eligible household.
You must dedicate all rebate funds to enhancing the energy efficiency of your property.
Home Conservation Program by Enbridge
Enbridge put the Home Conservation Program in place to help homeowners save money through energy conservation. After a home inspection and record-taking, a homeowner in Mississauga is eligible to get an attic insulation upgrade cost cover of at least 250 CAD. Sometimes, when your insulation contractor does his home assessment work right, the rebate can amount to 1,750 CAD. The home conservation program by Enbridge is like the discontinued Save on Energy Whole Home Program.
The Ontario Green Investment Fund
Do not forget that Mississauga is under the province of Ontario; hence, eligible people from Mississauga can access the green investment fund. The Ontario green investment fund will help individuals and relevant bodies get involved in the fight against climate change. The over 325 million CAD Green Investment Fund targets energy-efficient projects and aims to reduce carbon emissions. This fund contributes to the use of less energy by homeowners. It also funds retrofitting and the establishment of electric vehicle charging stations.
Targeting about 37,000 Ontarian homes, the Green Investment Fund focuses on upgrading attic insulation in Mississauga, retrofitting, and other energy-saving aspects of home upgrades.
Energy-saving upgrades in homes cut down on energy bills and make homeowners eligible for home insulation upgrade funding.
Union Gas Heating System Rebate- Additional Rebate
Union Gas offers a variety of rebate programs aimed at making it easier for you to keep your house warmer or cooler, clean your air, and save energy and money.
It's possible that all you need is a home energy assessment and a few minor fixes, or you may require or desire a complete heating system replacement. Even for attic insulation in Mississauga or a series of adjustments to improve your energy efficiency and lower your power bill.
Are you currently heating your home using natural gas, propane, or oil? Then consider yourself eligible for a 1,000 CAD rebate when you purchase an energy-efficient furnace or boiler. However, you must replace natural gas, propane, or oil furnace with a 95 percent or higher AFUE condensing natural gas, propane, or oil furnace or a 90 percent or higher AFUE condensing natural gas, propane, or oil boiler with a 95 percent or higher AFUE condensing natural gas, propane, or oil boiler if the AFUE is less than 95 percent.
You can get a refund if you buy a combined system, but you can either use the furnace/boiler rebate or the water heater rebate, not both.
Upon meeting the eligibility requirements, homeowners may get insulation rebates of well over 250 CAD to 1,750 CAD from Union Gas.
At Canada Energy Solution, we provide you with excellent suggestions on how to make your home more energy-efficient. We will also help you through your rebate application process.
Important notes about Rebate Programs in Mississauga
Residents of Mississauga enjoy many rebate programs when they fall into any of the following categories:
- Change from energy-intensive to energy-efficient heating systems
- Own an energy-efficient home and engage in rate reduction practices
- Aged or differently-abled Homeowners
- Obsolete residences
- low or average income earners on the breadline
How do I get the best out of rebate programs?
With rebate programs, you can improve the energy efficiency of your property while carrying out renovations or improvements. A good look at these refurbishing upgrades shows it is an all-win situation for you. Advanced upgrades allow you to save on utility bills. It also enhances your eligibility for huge rebates that undermine your initial expenses.
There are so many rebate programs, but the most adequately financed in the attic and basement insulation for Mississauga homeowners.
At Canada Energy Solution, we can help you check your eligibility status.
How do I qualify for attic Insulation Mississauga Rebate Programs?
Times are changing, and man's activities are rapidly worsening global climate conditions, giving rise to the much talked about climate change. If we fold our arms and legs, we will be fast approaching human extinction. It is this need for proactive action that has made energy efficiency a big deal. Energy conservation will help us win the fight against climate change. It is worthwhile to note that Canada is at the forefront of the fight against climate change.
Canada is the coldest country in North America, with the coldest temperature ever recorded at -40 °C. The icing cold of Canada makes it mandatory for Canadians to resort to heating systems. Heating systems are heavy energy consumers, making every energy-saving approach a necessity.
As stated earlier, energy saving in homes will help curb the devastating effects of climate change. Hence, the Ontario Home Energy Rebates provide encouraging incentives for the renovation of properties with attic insulation in Mississauga. This means energy-optimized residential structures are eligible for huge rebate funds. Such residential homes include detached, semi-detached, and row-townhomes.
How to measure insulation in Attic
Making sure your attic is adequately insulated is a fantastic way to ensure that your home is using energy efficiently. Proper attic insulation, as well as insulating other parts of your home, can help you save a significant amount of money on your annual heating and cooling bills.
The above reality has made many ask, "How do I know that the insulation in my attic is adequate?" Is the standard of attic insulation in Mississauga the same as in other cities?
Well, the answer is simple! Measuring the insulation in your attic is a straightforward operation that doesn't require any special skills.
Here are a few simple things to look out for when checking your attic insulation:
- Check if the temperature level in other parts of your home is similar to that in the attic.
- Observe the rate of air circulation in your attic. If air circulation is not adequate, there will be moisture buildup, which is bad for your energy consumption.
- Condensation within the insulation, which makes it damp, can lead to a loss of efficacy and possibly discoloration or wood rot if there is "too much" insulation in the attic. insulation in the loft will only induce condensation since the air in the house will be somewhat warmer, allowing more moisture to be held, which will condense when it comes into contact with a cold surface. Typically, the remedy is to avoid adding insulating material near the junction of the ceiling and the wall or rafters. Also, make sure there is exhaust ventilation in the kitchen and bathroom, as these are where the majority of the moisture in a home's air comes from (and make sure the ventilation is used).
Do you see? Measuring the insulation in your attic is pretty easy. However, getting the service of professionals makes the task both easier and guarantees the certainty of results. The Canada Energy Solution provides proficient inspection of attic insulation in Mississauga.
What are the different types of attic insulation
Fiberglass Batt Insulation
The fiberglass batt sort of insulation comprises fiberglass and is usually put in place by cutting huge strips from a larger roll and then staple gun-securing it in place. When compared to cellulose insulation, this form of insulation has a lower R-value, which means you'll need more material to get the R-value you want for your home. As a starting point, the R-value of fiberglass insulation is 3.2 per inch.
Fiberglass is made from melted and spun recycled glass or sand into a flexible insulating fiber material. They are most commonly available in rolls of various thicknesses and conventional widths, usually 16 inches and 24 inches, to fit between joists or studs in the construction of a house. They are available with or without a vapor barrier made of paper or foil. To get the appropriate level of insulation, you add one or more layers.
Blown-in Attic Insulation
Blown-in insulation is usually the best way to insulate the top floor. Due to its affordability and the quick implementation that blown-in insulation entails, it is very popular and widely used. The insulating material such as B. cellulose or expanded clay is blown into a cavity. One day is usually enough to carry out the work.
Blown-in insulation is mostly subsequent cavity insulation. Existing cavities in existing components are filled with loose materials to improve their heat and sound insulation. The most common areas of application are cavities in pitched roofs, ceilings (top floor ceilings, wooden beam ceilings), and the core insulation of double-shell exterior walls. Fire protection can also be optimized with non-combustible insulating materials. An example of non-combustible insulation material is glass or rock wool.
Builders usually opt for blow-in insulation if they do not want to insulate an existing component with a cavity from the outside—be it for aesthetic reasons or to avoid wasting space. Instead, they prefer the invisible insulation inside the components.
What is R-Value?
The R-Value (resistance value) of insulation material is a measurement of its heat resistance. The R-value indicates how successful the material is in preventing heat transmission. The higher the R-value of a material, the more effective its heat transfer prevention potential will be.
The ability of materials to retard the flow of heat depends on their ability to store heat. Heat loss can be measured by conductivity 1 (conductivity = K value), conductivity 2 (conductance = C value), transmission (transmittance = U value), or resistance (resistance = R-value). The R-value is the heat transfer coefficient (R-value). It indicates the resistance of the heat flow, i.e., how much a material resists cooling-in other words, how well an object insulates according to its thickness. The higher the R-value, the lower the heat loss. These characteristic values are usually used in the construction industry. The R-value indicates the insulation of the complete Therm-a-Rest mattress, i.e., the mattress core made of PU foam plus the outer cover made of fabric. The more comfortable (thicker) a mat becomes, the higher the R-value becomes at the same time. For structural reasons, (open-cell) lightweight foam with air chambers and ultra-light outer fabrics reduce the R-value. Combined foam cores made of open-cell foam plus a 3 mm layer of closed-cell foam increase the R-value by around 25%.
How to Calculate R-Value
R-value is calculated by measuring heat flow over a surface with each side at a different temperature. The formula is given and explained below:
R−Value= ΔT×Area×Time
heat loss
ΔT: T is the temperature differential between inside and outside the home in degrees Fahrenheit (oF) (or degrees Celsius (o C) for RSI).
Area: The area of the wall (or ceiling) that is being insulated is measured in square feet (f2) (or m2 for RSI)
Time: In seconds, time refers to how long the measurement took place (same in RSI)
Heat Loss: The amount of heat lost through the wall is measured in British Thermal Units (BTUs) (J in RSI)
Important Notes about R-Values
Here is a look at the different types of batt insulation and their R-values.
Below is an analysis:
- R-value 2 to 3: Sufficient for the 3 warm seasons, mild nights
- R-value 3 to 4: Cool nights, winter rooms in huts
- R-value 4 to 5: 4 seasons under temperate conditions
- R-value 5 to 6: high alpine winter bivouacs
- R-value above 6: Winter stays in alpine and arctic regions, extensive winter camping in permafrost
- A 2-by-4 stud wall should be insulated with an R-14 batt
- A 2-by-10 ceiling or floor joist should be insulated with an R-30 batt
- There are portable, but effective materials with suitable R-Value. Such materials occupy relatively small space but are very efficient.
- Adding extra batts to your attic does not just increase the total R-value.
- It's crucial to choose the correct sort of insulation for your attic.
What are the benefits of Improving Attic Insulation?
Ontario Home Energy Insulation Attic
The cost of an attic insulation upgrade or renewal may seem significant at the beginning. A standard Ontario contractor may charge between $1.00 to $2.50 per square ft based on the job. The investment is almost always completely worth it.
Attic insulation is a practical home improvement project and must be met with planning and adequate budgeting; here are a few reasons why:
Enjoy less expensive utility bills
In an average Mississauga home, heating and cooling systems gulp up more than 60% of total energy consumption. Not insulating your home puts you at risk of wasting more resources in an attempt to keep your home at a suitable temperature. How much money can you save if your attic is insulated? According to experts, air sealing your home and insulating attics, floors, and crawl spaces can save you around 20% on your heating and cooling bills.
The amount of money you save will depend on a variety of factors, including your family's lifestyle, the architecture of your home, and the quality of the attic insulation. Other factors include the type of heating system you have and the level of your home's energy efficiency. In any case, attic insulation owners in Mississauga may expect significant energy savings, which will translate into significant financial savings. The average homeowner with good attic insulation in Mississauga can save up to $1,200 annually on energy.
Enjoy an enhanced comfort in your home
The natural movement of heat is from warmer to cooler environments. Even homes with contemporary heating and cooling systems can experience extreme temperature swings if they are poorly insulated. This means that when the temperature outside changes, the residence can get hotter or colder faster, and that rooms on upper floors may have dramatically different temperatures than those on lower floors. A temperature difference of 10 to 15 degrees between your home's floors is a solid sign that your house is under-insulated. Installing insulation is an excellent way to ensure comfort in your home at all times. Your residence will certainly maintain a soothing temperature at night and early in the morning when temperatures are at their lowest.
Maintain property quality which increases the value of resale
Insulating your attic helps keep your property in good condition, which positively impacts its reselling value. An insulated attic prevents damage caused by heat and moisture over time. By keeping water vapor from permeating your walls, it rules out every possibility of degradation. It also reduces the amount of heat that builds up in your attic, which can cause your roof shingles to bloat and fracture, as well as the plywood on your deck to soften. When melted snow refreezes, ice dams form on your roof's edge unless you have adequate attic insulation. Furthermore, insulating your attic may aid in the prevention of mold, which thrives in damp, chilly settings. Insulation prevents these problems from occurring by decreasing the effects of condensation.
Does the Attic Need a Vapor Barrier in it?
Warm air rises and frequently leaves through the attic. The next concern is whether or not you'll need to protect your ceiling from moisture produced by insulation.
A vapor barrier must be installed together with your attic insulation. Because of the temperature changes, moisture and dew clusters in the attic, and such can cause mold and damage if left unchecked. Continuous attic deterioration might override all the benefits of your insulation and degrade its rating.
Vapor barriers are plastic-made sheet material that reduces the permeability of insulation material.
They don't take up a lot of room and can be used in almost any room of the house. The biggest disadvantage is that while using vapor barriers, you must be careful where you place them. To avoid moisture from building up and causing damage to materials, it's occasionally beneficial to let water pass through them (ex. stud wall in a bathroom).
In the case of ceilings, vapor barriers should be built between the insulation and the remainder of the space. This presupposes that you live in a cold-weather climate and that the inside of your home is warmer than the outside.
The recommended vapor barrier are materials made of polyurethane (plastic) installed in a vented attic. They should be installed in areas with more than 8,000 heating degree days. In all other climates, save hot-humid or hot-dry climates, you can skip the plastic and use a vapor retarder (kraft-faced insulation or latex attic paint).
When you don't reside in an area where freezing temperatures are experienced for long periods, vapor retardant is the best option. When moisture accumulates on the external side of your insulation, vapor barriers become problematic. This is often the case in areas with multiple seasons.
To avoid causing too much harm, it's a good idea to have some permeability to allow the house to breathe. When a material is allowed to breathe, it will dry off any moisture and allow it to flow through.
Do well to contact our professionals at Canada Energy Solution to get unique information about attic insulations in Mississauga. Our expert carries out a critical evaluation of your unique attic needs and your eligibility for a rebate in line with the Ontario Energy Rebate Programs.
How to install attic insulation
The installation of attic insulation in Mississauga or any other part of Canada is considered a necessity, and not a luxury. That is why we have taken it upon ourselves to answer all questions about how to install attic insulation.
Working with an attic insulation contractor
When you work with a professional attic insulation contractor, here are a few due diligence roles that you must play to make the insulation of your attic a success:
Clean out your attic, and get rid of all properties and junk
Even before you ever consider bringing your contractor over for inspection, get rid of anything in the attic that may get in the way of your installation. Remove all properties, and clean out all dirt.
Select the right attic insulation Material
A whole range of insulating materials is suitable for insulating your attic. For example, you can choose between mineral wool, i.e. glass wool or rock wool, and wool made from renewable raw materials such as hemp or cotton.
Small bits of fiber, foam or other elements make up loose-fill insulation. These little particles combine to create an insulating material that can fit into any area without causing damage to the structure or finish. Loose-fill insulation is best for retrofits and situations where other forms of insulation are difficult to install.
The most common materials used for loose-fill insulation are cellulose, fiberglass, and mineral (rock or slag) wool. All of these items are manufactured from recycled rubbish. Recycled newspaper is the most prevalent source of cellulose. The majority of fiberglass goods are made up of 40% to 60% recycled glass. Mineral wool is usually composed of 75% post-industrial recycled material.
Batts and rolls are available in lengths that correspond to wall studs, attic trusses or rafters, and floor joist spacing. 2" x 4" walls can use R-13 or R-15 batts, whereas 2" x 6" walls can use R-19 or R-21 products. Continuous rolls can be trimmed to fit by hand. You can get them with or without facings. A face (such as kraft paper, foil-kraft paper, or vinyl) is frequently used as a vapor and/or air barrier by manufacturers. For basement walls and other places where the insulation will be exposed, batts with a particular flame-resistant facing are available in various thicknesses. Facing also makes handling and fastening easier during installation.
If in doubt, seek advice from an insulation expert as to which insulation material best suits your insulation project. This saves effort and prevents a costly bad buy.
Measure the attic to determine the quantity of insulation needed
The next thing is to measure how big your attic is in square feet and what R-value you want. This helps you figure out the quantity and quality range of insulation you will need.
For the quality range, R-49-R-60 is the most optimum range of R-values. Then, for the area of the attic, you may calculate the number of bags required. In the case of a DIY project, the bags of loose-fill cellulose or fiberglass also come with ready-to-use information about the amount needed to suit the attic.
Important note: Do not try to install your attic insulation by yourself. There are risks associated with DIY attic insulation. Some of them are accidents and damaging your ceiling.
Attic Insulation Reviews from Google
What Our Customers Are Saying

Professionalism, Punctuality,
Quality, Responsiveness, Value
I am thrilled by the excellent service offered by Canada energy Solution. A friend recommended them when I was searching for a company that will give me the best attic insulation in Mississauga. Their service more than matched my expectations. And most importantly I got the government audit approval. Just the best company to work with any day.
- Deb Crawford -

Cover quite lot of the cost
CES is a serious provider who cares about customer relations and a job well done. We are pleased with the service provided, the advice, the responsiveness, and the professionalism of this company. We wholeheartedly endorse them!
-Rajat Aggarwal -

Very courteous and professional
I have no regrets about contracting this company for my attic insulation. They are very serious and competent. I highly recommend their services.
- Keyvan Mosharraf -

Increased to 21 inches
Before I moved into my new home in Mississauga, attic insulation was at the top of my "to do" list. I reached out to Canada Energy Solution. When John came through, I was a bit quizzical, asking too many questions, which I considered unnecessary. John was calmly answering all questions. After we implemented all that he advised, I became more glad that I did. Their job isn’t just efficient but neat as well. I love my home and all the comfort it offers.
- Mark Brown -
FREE Consultation
How Much Does Attic Insulation Cost in Mississauga?
The budget for insulating your attic varies considerably due to factors such as:
- The size and type of your attic
- The kind of insulation material being used
- The volume of mandatory work before the insulation process
- The depth of the existing insulation (if any)
- The scope of work required by the insulation project
For those interested in attic insulation in Mississauga, it is advisable to engage the services of a professional attic insulation contractor. The Canada Energy Solution helps determine the best for your attic project.
Whatever the cost may be, remember that getting quality attic insulation allows you to save money on energy bills by conserving energy. In the long run, energy efficiency makes you eligible for a rebate grant that runs into thousands of Canadian dollars.
Our Service Areas
Providing Comprehensive Attic Insulation, Air Conditioning, Furnace, and Heat Pump Services Across the Greater Toronto Area.